If you are not already aware, the Governor proposed a seven point plan for fighting gun violence at his State of the State address this week, many of which affect law abiding gun owners. His plan includes further restricting “assault weapons”, further restricting “high capacity” magazines, elimination of online ammunition sales to NY residents, background checks for all private sales and a state NICS check on all ammunition purchases.
Please take a few moments to write and, more importantly, CALL your state representatives as well as their leadership.
Some points to make:
• No new firearm restrictions
• No new magazine restrictions
• No new restrictions on the sale or purchase of ammunition
• No new registration of firearms
Who to contact:
Most importantly, please contact Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos – Office phone: (518) 455-3171, email: skelos@nysenate.gov , website: http://www.nysenate.gov/senator/dean-g-skelos/contact
Also contact;
Your own state senator who can be found here: http://www.nysenate.gov/
Gov. Cuomo at Office phone: (518) 474-8390, website: http://www.governor.ny.gov/contact/G…ontactForm.php
Senate Co Leader Jeffrey Klein at Office Phone: (518)-455-3595, email: jdklein@senate.state.ny.us website: http://www.nysenate.gov/senator/jeffrey-d-klein/contact
Thank you for your time,
Jeff and the NYFirearms.com team